Minggu, 25 November 2012

Loker 1

pt-pnm-persero, permodalan nasional madani
Kredit gambar: www.pnm.co.id

Sejarah PT Permodalan Nasional Madani

PT Permodalan Nasional Madani adalah Badan

Kredit ga,nbbhbk

Lowongan Kerja Bank Saudara

Bank Saudara membuka kesempatan bagi kandidat terbaik untuk dapat mengembangkan karier perbankan dan ditempatkan di Wilayah Solo, Sragen, Wonosari dan Klaten sebagai :

Persyaratan :
  • Jenis kelamin : Pria / Wanita (1,2,3,4,6), Wanita (5), Pria (7)
  • Pendidikan minimal : S1 semua jurusan (1,2,3,4,5), S1 Akuntansi (6), S1 Teknik Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Elektro (7)
  • Usia Maksimal : 35 tahun (1,2), 28 tahun (6,7), 25 tahun (5)
  • Berpengalaman dibidang yang sama minimal 1 tahun (3,4,6,7)
  • Berpengalaman di bidang marketing funding minimal 4 tahun (2)
  • Berpengalaman di bidang marketing lending minimal 4 tahun (1)
  • Ramah, komunikatif, target oriented dan costomer base luas (1,2,3,4)
  • Belum menikah dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama 1 tahun pertama (5)
  • Tinggi minimal 160 cm, berpenampilan menarik, ramah, komunikatif dan teliti (5)
Kirim lamaran, CV, FC Ijazah dan Pas photo (3x4) berwarna selambat-lambatnya tanggal :
14 Desember 2012

Jl. Ronggo Warsito No. 53 Solo, Jawatengah

Bank Saudara membuka kesempatan bagi kandidat terbaik untuk dapat mengembangkan karier perbankan dan ditempatkan di Wilayah Solo, Sragen, Wonosari dan Klaten sebagai :

Persyaratan :
  • Jenis kelamin : Pria / Wanita (1,2,3,4,6), Wanita (5), Pria (7)
  • Pendidikan minimal : S1 semua jurusan (1,2,3,4,5), S1 Akuntansi (6), S1 Teknik Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Elektro (7)
  • Usia Maksimal : 35 tahun (1,2), 28 tahun (6,7), 25 tahun (5)
  • Berpengalaman dibidang yang sama minimal 1 tahun (3,4,6,7)
  • Berpengalaman di bidang marketing funding minimal 4 tahun (2)
  • Berpengalaman di bidang marketing lending minimal 4 tahun (1)
  • Ramah, komunikatif, target oriented dan costomer base luas (1,2,3,4)
  • Belum menikah dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama 1 tahun pertama (5)
  • Tinggi minimal 160 cm, berpenampilan menarik, ramah, komunikatif dan teliti (5)
Kirim lamaran, CV, FC Ijazah dan Pas photo (3x4) berwarna selambat-lambatnya tanggal :
14 Desember 2012

Jl. Ronggo Warsito No. 53 Solo, Jawatengah

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega - PT Bank Mega Tbk adalah sebuah perusahaan perbankan yang berpegang pada azas profesionalisme, keterbukaan dan kehati-hatian dengan struktur permodalan. Bank Mega mengalami pertumbuhan yang sangat pesat dan telah disejajarkan dengan bank-bank swasta nasional yang masuk dalam 15 besar di antara sekitar 130 bank di Indonesia. Bank Mega juga telah memiliki sertifikasi ISO sejak tahun 1999 yang merupakan pengakuan atas pengelolaan operasional perbankan yang sesuai standar internasional. Bank Mega mencatatkan kredit per Juni 2012 sebesar Rp31 triliun atau meningkat sebesar 14,2%. Kenaikan pendapatan bersih membuat laba operasional Bank Mega 2012 mengalami kenaikan menjadi Rp986,1 miliar dibandingkan dengan 2011 sebesar Rp463,3 miliar.

Bank Mega membidik DPK dari produk MegaFirst naik 100% dari sebelumnya 10 ribu nasabah menjadi 100 ribu nasabah. Nasabah prioritas di Bank Mega sebagaian besar berumur 40-50 tahun, yang berasal dari pengusaha, eksekutif puncak (direksi), dan Ibu Rumah Tangga, di mana 55% laki-laki dan 45% wanita. Bank Mega kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja November dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Bancassurance and Investment Specialist
  1. Minimal S1 dari semua jurusan
  2. Berpengalaman di posisi yang sama menjadi Bancassurance and Investment Specialist selama minimal 1 tahun
  3. Berpengalaman menangani produk Bancassurance and Investment
  4. Berpengalaman menangani produk marketing
Product and Service Specialist
  1. Pendidikan Minimal S1
  2. Bepengalaman Minimal 1 tahun diposisi yang sama/setara sebagai Product and Service Specialist
  3. Berpengalaman menangani produk CASA and TD
  4. Berpengalaman menangani produk marketing
Internal Control Training Program
  1. Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
  2. Latar belakang Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi, IPK 3.00
  3. Bersedia tugas keluar kota
  4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik serta analisa
  5. Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan 2 bulan
  6. L/P, Usia maks. 27 th
MIS Credit And System Development
  1. Lulusan S1, diutamakan Jurusan Komputer
  2. menguasai SQL (Structure Query Language) Server dan Microsoft Access
  3. Mengerti tentang Loan Reporting
Structural Engineer
  1. Pendidikan S1 lulusan Tehnik Sipil/Arsitek
  2. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Structural Engineer min. 2 tahun.
  3. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di bidang konsultan bangunan,
  4. Mampu menghitung volume dan biaya untuk kepentingan tender khususnya gedung bertingkat.
  5. Mampu membuat RAB.
  6. Dapat bekerja dalam team.
Jika anda tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja 2012 Bank Mega, segera kirimkan lamaran lengkap, cv, foto terbaru, fotocopy ijazah melalui alamat di bawah ini:

Bank Mega Recruitment Center November 2012
HCMG Bank Mega
Menara Bank Mega Lt.11
Jalan Kapten Tendean No. 12-14A
Jakarta 12970
Untuk detail informasi Lowongan ini silahkan Lihat disini

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Lowongan Kerja Bank Terbaru 2011: Lowongan Bank Muamalat

Lowongan Kerja Bank Terbaru 2011:

Bank Muamalat

Lowongan Kerja Bank terbaru 2011: PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk didirikan pada 24 Rabius Tsani 1412 H atau 1 Nopember 1991, diprakarsai oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan Pemerintah Indonesia, dan memulai kegiatan operasinya pada 27 Syawwal 1412 H atau 1 Mei 1992. Dengan dukungan nyata dari eksponen Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim se-Indonesia (ICMI) dan beberapa pengusaha Muslim, pendirian Bank Muamalat juga menerima dukungan masyarakat, terbukti dari komitmen pembelian saham Perseroan senilai Rp 84 miliar pada saat penandatanganan akta pendirian Perseroan. Selanjutnya, pada acara silaturahmi peringatan pendirian tersebut di Istana Bogor, diperoleh tambahan komitmen dari masyarakat Jawa Barat yang turut menanam modal senilai Rp 106 miliar.

In an effort to strengthen its capital, Bank Muamalat seeking potential investors, and responded to positively by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. At the AGM dated June 21, 1999 IDB officially become one of the shareholders of Bank Muamalat. Therefore, the period between 1999 and 2002 is a period full of challenge and success for the Bank Muamalat. During this period, the Bank Muamalat managed to reverse the condition of loss into profit thanks to the efforts and dedication of each crew Muamalat, supported by strong leadership, appropriate business development strategy, as well as adherence to the implementation of a pure Islamic banking.

Currently the Bank Mumalat provide services to more than 2.5 million customers through 275 outlets spread across 33 provinces in Indonesia. BMI is also supported by a network of alliances through more than 4000 Post Office Online / SOPP throughout Indonesia, 32,000 ATMs and 95,000 merchant debit. BMI is currently also the only Islamic bank has opened branches abroad, namely in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. To increase the accessibility of customers in Malaysia, the cooperation network is run by Malaysian Electronic Payment System (MEPS) so that BMI can be accessed services in more than 2,000 ATMs in Malaysia. As Pure First Bank Syariah, Bank Muamalat committed to delivering banking services that not only comply to the Shariah, but also competitive and accessible to the community through the archipelago. The commitment is appreciated by the government, mass media, national and international institutions and the wider community through more than 70 prestigious awards received by BMI in the last 5 years. Received among other awards as Best Islamic Bank in Indonesia 2009 by Islamic Finance News (Kuala Lumpur), as the Best Islamic Financial Institution in Indonesia 2009 by Global Finance (New York) as well as the Best Islamic Finance House in Indonesia in 2009 by Alpha South East Asia (Hong Kong).

Currently we are looking high qualified candidates to join our team as:

Lowongan kerja bank terbaru 2011: Bank Muamalat

Posisi Kerja

Syariah Compliance Staff/ Officer - HO or Indonesia


  1. Minimum 2 years experiences in banking industry

  2. Strong knowledge on the Islamic finance/syariah

  3. Has the enthusiasm for continuous improvement

  4. Good communication skills

  5. Eagerness for compliance to the rule

  6. Email subject: Syariah Compliance

Programmer - Jakarta Raya


  1. Male is preferred

  2. Maximum age 35 years old

  3. Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from Information Technology (IT)

  4. Good English skill Experienced in developing core banking system

  5. Good knowledge of syariah banking

  6. Having passion in syariah banking industries

HR Admin (Head Officer) - Jakarta


  1. Male/female maximum 25 years old

  2. Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1) in Accounting

  3. Minimum GPA 2.75

  4. Preferably experienced in Compensation and benefit department

  5. High initiative, energetic, and good interpersonal skill

  6. Good knowledge of Syariah Banking

Sub Branch Manager - Jabodetabek


  1. Male/female with maximum age 35 years old

  2. Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1) in any field

  3. Preferably experienced in Banking Industry especially for marketing (min. 5 years)

  4. Good knowledge of Syariah Banking

  5. Good communication and interpersonal skills

  6. Good communication, managerial skill and interpersonal skills

  7. Wide networking

  8. High motivation and eager to achieve target

  9. Located in Jabodetabek area

Trade Finance Officer - Jakarta Raya


  1. Male with age max 30 years

  2. Last Education minimum S1

  3. Working in the banking industries min. 5 years with specific experience in the Export Import (operations) min. 3 years

  4. Having good English skills

  5. Know and understand the procedure / SOP Export Import well

  6. Understand and deal with reports relating to the Export Import

  7. Understand the process flow systems and trade finance

  8. Can work in team and individual

Relationship Manager - Jabodetabek


  1. Male/female with maximum age 35 years old

  2. Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1) in any field

  3. Preferably experienced in sales or marketing

  4. Good knowledge of Syariah Banking

  5. Good communication and interpersonal skills

  6. Wide networking

  7. High motivation and eager to achieve target

  8. Located in Jabotabek area

  9. Fresh graduates from reputable university with GPA minimum 2.75 are welcome to apply

Team Leader Investment & Product Development

DPLK Muamalat

DPLK Muamalat adalah penyelenggara Program Pensiun Iuran Pasti (PPIP) yang didirikan oleh PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Seiring dengan berkembangnya organisasi, DPLK Muamalat membutuhkan professional muda yang berpengalaman dibidangnya


  1. Pria/Wanita

  2. Pengalaman minimum 5 tahun dibidang pengembangan investasi

  3. Memiliki sertifikasi investasi dari PSPPM (Panitia Standar Profesi Pasar Modal)

  4. Email subject: Team Leader Investment & Product Development

IT Audit Officer - Jakarta Raya


  1. Male is preferred, max 35 years old

  2. Graduated from Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring IT (Information Technology) is preferred

  3. Minimum 5 years experience in banking industries, especially in Internal Audit Division

  4. Good knowledge of Syariah Banking

  5. Having good communication

  6. Personal skill

Remittance Officer - Jakarta Raya


  1. Male with age max 30 years

  2. Last Education minimum S1

  3. Working in the banking industries min. 5 years with specific experience in the Remittance (operations) min. 2 years

  4. Having good English skills

  5. Know and understand the procedure / SOP remittance well

  6. Understand and deal with reports related to remittance

  7. Understand remittance systems and process flow

  8. Can work in team and individual

Operation Audit Officer - Jakarta Raya


  1. Male is preferred, Male is preferred, max 35 years old

  2. Graduated from Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major

  3. Minimum 5 years experience in banking industries, especially in Banking Operation

  4. Good knowledge of Syariah Banking

  5. Having good communication and interpersonal skill

Lamaran Kerja

If you are qualified for the positions, please send your complete resume (max 200 kb) to recruitment@muamalatbank.com ( before August 22, 2011 )

Lowongan kerja bank terbaru 2011: Bank Muamalat. Source

Please mentions position title on the email subject (eg: HR Admin). Only short listed candidate will be contacted

Dapatkan info lowongan kerja bank terbaru 2011 hanya di PanduanKerjamu.com, situs lowongan kerja terbaru, update setiap hari.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2011: Prima Traktor IndoNusa

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2011:

Prima Traktor IndoNusa

Lowongan Kerja terbaru 2011: IndoNusa is well established Heavy Mining Equipment Rental Company in Indonesia and Division of Emeco Holdings Ltd. Prima Traktor IndoNusa commenced operations in 1972 and has grown to employ approximately 400 staff servicing clients across for continents. Our reputation has been built on quality management and specialist employees supplying fleets to our clients with the know-how to manage rental, parts, sales and service.

We need employees who have high skills and expertise in heavy equipment to support the development of our business;

  1. Senior Asset Superintendent (SAS)

  2. Technician Field Advisor (FTA)

  3. Component Specialist (CST)

  4. Auto Electrician Supervisor (AES)

  5. Heavy Equipment Mechanic (HEM)

  6. Heavy Equipment Auto Electrician (HEAE)

  7. Maintenance Planner (MP)


  1. Maximum 40 years old.

  2. High School Science Education, STM Machinery / Automotive / Mechanical Equipment, D3

  3. Mechanical / Electrical / Engineer K3L/Mechanical D3

  4. Minimum 4 years experience working in the same position.

  5. Experience of HE the dealers, mining contractors, owners and mining.

  6. Able to follow the test and selection process.

  7. Willing to be placed in all operational areas PTI.

Familiar with the types of Diesel Engines such as: Caterpillar, Cummins, Detroit Diesel Engines and Hitachi.

HITACHI Excavator Ex 1200, ZX 870, ZX 450, ZX 210, KOMATSU PC 1800, PC 1250, PC 800, PC 300 & PC 200
Motor Grader CATERPILLAR 16H, 16M, 14H, 14M & 140H
Heavy Dump Truck & Articulate CATERPILLAR 777D, 775F, ADT 740, KOMATSU HD785-5 & HD 785-7

Lamaran Kerja

Interest to apply the position above, send your application (CV, Copy of certificate, training certificate, Work Experience Letter, etc) to the address below or email :

HR Department
PT. Prima Traktor IndoNusa
Jl. Mulawarman No.21 RT.023
Hidup Baru Industrial Estate
Kel. Manggar – Balikpapan
Or via email to : hr@primatraktor.com

Lowongna kerja source

Dapatkan info lowongan kerja terbaru 2011 hanya di PanduanKerjamu.com, situs lowongan kerja update setiap hari.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2011: Lowongan PT Holcim Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2011:

PT Holcim Indonesia


Holcim Indonesia is a leading fully integrated producer of cement, ready mixed concrete and aggregates with a unique and expanding retail franchise offering the most complete end-to-end solution to home building, from building materials supply to design and speedy, safe construction.

We serve our home market of the island of Java from two major production sites and a grinding station with a combined finished cement capacity of 8.265 million tonnes. We operate multiple concrete batching plants, two stone quarries and an extensive logistics network of warehouses and silos.

Our Geocycle team provides complete waste solutions for industry, municipalities and agriculture. We pioneered safe disposal of CFC ozone depleting gases - the first facility in SE Asia. We earn carbon credits under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism for co-processing biomass, thus eradicating CO2 emissions from decomposition of discarded agricultural waste.

Posisi Kerja

Railway Team Member

Location: Cilacap

This position exists to execution and controlling delivery cement by train to warehouses from loading process, on the way to warehouses until arrival at warehouses are running well with good quality and quantity, and also the product is secure to keep warehouses stock cement availability by coordination with PT KAI (Station Head Karangtalun), Warehouses and Pack house Operation. This function also responsibility to control the wagon availability in plant with good condition (ready to load), an also consistent conduct reconciliation (crime seal and material) with security, pack house andwarehouses.


  1. Education: Diploma Degree any major

  2. Experience: Good understanding on rail operation, minimum 1 years work experience; Good understanding on dispatching process from wagon loading point (pack house) until delivery to the customer (warehouses), ISO; min. 1 years work experience

  3. Computer literacy: Computer Literacy : Microsoft office, Lotus Notes and SAP User

  4. Language: Good command of written & spoken English

  5. Other qualification / skills: Communication skill; Energize People; A good understanding of the cement distributions; Team Work;

Branding Solution Executive

Location: Surabaya

Execute and monitor construction and branding transformation process of Holcim’s Solusi Rumah (SR) outlet (Franchise Retailers, CPM, RDC, CDC) by developing shop design and conduct project implementation throughout Indonesia. Ensuring branding standard and sound project implementation of Holcim’s SR sales outlets construction are also the key responsibilities of this position/ role.


  1. Education: Bachelor/Diploma Degree Architecture or Civil Engineering or Art Design

  2. Experience: A working knowledge with a minimum of 3 years experience of work design or construction/ renovation design work; Knowledgeable and/or willing to learn about Sustainable Construction

  3. Computer literacy: Computer Literacy + Auto CAD

  4. Language: Excellent command of written & spoken English

  5. Other qualification / skills: Have concrete knowledge include construction industry knowledge ;Ability to deal with people all level of project; Good verbal and communications skills.; Good organizational and planning skills; Have a good capabilities in buildingsustainable relationship and partnership

Organizational Design & Development Dept.
PT Holcim Indonesia

Please indicate position applied for on the subject field of your email

Lowongan kerja source

Lowongan kerja Holcim Indonesia. Dapatakan info lowongan kerja terbaru 2011 hanya di PanduanKerjamu.com, situs info lowongan kerja terbaru, update setiap hari.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Terbaru 2011: Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII)

Lowongan Kerja Bank Terbaru 2011:

BII (Bank Internasional Indonesia)


Lowongan Kerja Bank terbaru 2011: PT Bank International Indonesia Tbk (BII) was founded May 15, 1959. After getting licensed as a foreign exchange bank in 1988, BII listed its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange (now the Indonesian Stock Exchange or IDX) in 1989. Since becoming a public company, BII has grown into one of the leading private banks in Indonesia.
On 30 September 2008, Mayban Offshore Corporate Services (Labuan) Sdn. Bhd.. (MOCS), a subsidiary wholly owned by Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank), completed the acquisition of 100% stake in Sorak Financial Holdings Pte, Ltd., owner of 55.51% stake in BII. In December 2008, MOCS complete the tender offer for remaining shares and increased its stake.
BII is one of the largest banks in Indonesia with an international network of 303 branches including five branches of the Sharia, as well as 893 ATMs and 15 CDM (Cash Deposit Machines) BII throughout Indonesia, and has also been connected with more than 20,000 ATMs belonging to the ATM Network PRIMA, ATM BERSAMA, ALTO, CIRRUS network and MEPS in Malaysia and also connected with more than 2,800 ATMs in Maybank Malaysia and Singapore and has overseas branches in Mauritius, Mumbai and the Cayman Islands.

As at 30 September 2010, total customer deposits amounting to Rp55 trillion and Rp72 trillion in assets. BII provides full range of financial services through branches and ATMs, phone banking and internet banking. BII is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BNII) and is active in SME / Commercial, Consumer and Corporate. BII provides products and services to medium-scale enterprise and commercial as well as providing products to individuals, credit cards, mortgages, deposits, loans and wealth management services. While services for corporate customers is lending, trade finance, cash management, custody, and foreign exchange.

To our talent, BII offer continuous and comprehensive learning program throughout your career. Aside from that, Bii also provide career development in line with your performance and contribution and to the company.

So, if you inspired to join our bank who believes in values for integrity, trust and professionalism, simply complete the following application form. We will review your application and if you meet our qualification, we will invite you to join our selection process. We look forward to receiving your application.

Posisi Kerja

Sharia Support Legal Officer (LO)


  1. Bechelor Degree (S1) majoring in Law science from a reputable university

  2. Fluent in English both oral and written

  3. Communicative, quick learner, self-motivated and able to work in a team and independently

  4. Preferably having working experience in Sharia legal expertise

Lamaran Kerja

Interested candidates are welcome to send their comprehensive resume together with current photograph indicating LO in the subject line not later than August 29, 2011 to: HMMahruzar@bankbii.com

Lowongan kerja source

Dapatkan info lowongan kerja bank terbaru 2011 hanya di PanduanKerjamu.com, situs lowongan kerja terbaru 2011 update setiap hari.