Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru 2011: Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru 2011: Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru 2011: Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan:

The Banking Industry is an essential component that is needed to ensure national economic stability. As a result, the conditions and state of the banking industry considerably affects or impacts national economic stability.

This is especially true in the case of the monetary and banking crisis that struck Indonesia in 1998. This multi-dimensional crisis resulted in the sharp devaluation of the Rupiah, the liquidation of 16 banks and subsequent decline in public confidence for the country’s banking system.

In its bid to address and effectively survive the crisis, Indonesia’s Government established a series of policies that included efforts to provide protection to any bank’s payment responsibilities, including public deposit (known as the blanket guarantee scheme). The scheme was endorsed by virtue of The Republic of Indonesia’s Presidential Decree Number 26 of 1998 regarding Guarantee on Lialibilities of Commercial Banks and the Republic of Indonesia’s Presidential Decree Number 193,of 1998 concerning Guarantee on Rural Banks Payment Responsibility.

The Blanket Guarantee succeeded in restoring public confidence in the banking system. However, the excessive scope and nature of the guarantee itself had proven to be a moral hazard for both bankers and depositors.

To address the situation and instill sense of security among the depositors in the banking system while, at the same time, ensuring a stable banking system, the Blanket Guarantee was subsequently replaced by a limited guarantee system.

Law Number 10 of 1998 on banking mandated that the LPS (or IDIC as it is known in its English abbreviation) should be established to protect depositor’s funds.

Eventually, on 22 September 2004, the President of Republic of Indonesia enacted the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 24 concerning IDIC. With regards to the law, IDIC is established as an independent institution that functions to insure depositor’s funds and actively participates in maintaining stability in the banking system in accordance with its authorized mandate.

The Law effectively took effect on 22 September 2005 and IDIC officially began its operations as of that date.

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru 2011: Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan

Posisi Kerja

Officer - Infrastructure and Management Support Project



Carry out the planning, development and management of infrastructure support and support quality control and disaster recovery (disasterrecovery procedure) that are reliable, precise, and safe to support the ministry of information technology operations.

Infrastructure Development and Management Support

  1. Develop and propose development of a data center (data center) as a center of production (production center), including capacity planning (capacity planning) central data source (data center resource) as well as data backup and restorestrategy a reliable, secure and integrated to support the operation of business applications and their implementation

  2. Develop and propose pengelolaantermasuk development of applications, devices lunakdanperangkat kerasselain desktop and mobile devices (mobile device) and its implementation

  3. Formulate and propose the development of access to information technology including data center (data center) and the physical security of its implementation dataserta center

  4. Formulate and propose the development and management of information technology assets, including license compliance, and implementation

  5. Formulate and propose the development and management including the use of fax servers and PABX and implementation

  6. Formulate and propose the development and management, including updates (update) anti-virus and software patches as well as its implementation

  7. Formulate and propose the development and management of backup and restore both data and systems and their implementation

  8. Formulate and propose the master data and transaction security (softcopy) handled by the agency as well as backup and restore of data

  9. Help set the development of disaster recovery procedures (disasterrecovery procedure)

  10. Implement disaster recovery procedures (disasterrecovery procedure)

  11. Formulate and propose the development and configuration management of information technology assets and license compliance in addition to desktops and mobile devices, and implementation

  12. Develop and propose monitoring configuration information technology assets and compliance with its license on the basis of data and mobile devices

  13. Develop and propose technical specifications in the procurement of infrastructure software and hardware and quality control

Development and Management Support Quality Control

  1. Implement development and management of quality control (quality assurance) as well as the implementation

  2. Carry out the testing of applications, software and hardware before they are implemented / done including testing (user acceptance test)

  3. Carry out the assessment procedure of quality control (quality assurance evaluation procedure) for services related to information technology and prepare a report assessment results

  4. Running procedures (executing test procedure) to assure conformance to the specification of software, hardware and applications before they are implemented for use by the user (users), including integrity testing (integration test), and user acceptance (user acceptancetest approval)

  5. Develop and propose technical specifications in the procurement of quality control related devices

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru 2011: Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan

Officer - Information Technology Security



Plan and propose the development and application of information technology security, baseline security, disaster recovery management (disaster recovery management) and business continuity management (business continuity management) related to information technology and user awareness programs (user awareness program.)

Development and Management Information Systems

  1. Formulate and propose the development and management of information technology related security including security base (security baseline) based on industry best practice

  2. Formulate and propose the development and management of monitoring and countering security threats (security threat monitoring and prevention)

  3. Monitor and deter security threats (security threat monitoring and prevention) as well as reporting the event and / or will happen threat

  4. Evaluate, analyze and propose user access rights (user access rights)

  5. Formulate and propose the development and management of disaster recovery management (disaster recovery management) related to information technology

  6. Implement development and management of business continuity management (business continuity management) related to information technology

  7. Monitor and report on management of business continuity management (business continuity management) related to information technology

  8. Undertake monitoring and evaluation and prepare compliance reports the implementation of policies, standard operating procedures and guidelines related to information technology

  9. Undertake monitoring and evaluation and prepare a report user access right management

  10. Develop and propose technical specifications in pengadaantool information technology security management, disaster recovery and business continuity

Policies and Procedures

  1. Develop and propose policies, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines on information technology security, including securing information technology assets to minimize the impact of attacks both from outside and from within

  2. Develop and propose policies, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines on access to data and applications and includes the software and supporting hardware

  3. Develop and propose policies, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines on the development and management of disaster recovery management (disaster recovery management) related to information technology

  4. Develop and propose policies, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and safety guidelines on the development and management of business continuity management (business continuity management) related to information technology.


  1. Age max 35 years

  2. Minimum S1 Computer Science / Information Technology

  3. Graduated from the State Universities, Private Universities that have been accredited for Higher Education and Foreign Affairs to be recognized by the Ministry of Education

  4. Minimum GPA 2.75 (scale 4.0)

  5. Minimum 6 years experience in information technology with a minimum of 4 years experience in the field of information technology security

  6. Preferred security certified and experience in Windows and Cisco Security Environment

  7. Preferred experience preparing SOP IT Security

  8. Fluent in English (spoken and written)

  9. Details of the requirements of each area of ??work can be viewed at the website

  10. Registration is done online no later than August 2, 2011.


Junior Officer - Claims Administration & Payment Information



Implement the payment of claims simpananan bank revoked its business license so it can be done in accordance with a set time and avoid the risk of mistakes and maintain a data base guarantee payment of claims.

Payment Claims

  1. Prepare documents related to the proposed appointment of paying bank in order to claim payment of deposits

  2. Collect payment payment documents, among others related to fund allocation requests, forms, announcements in the media and newspapers, a list of deposits worth paying to be announced

  3. Assist and coordinate with the paying bank and the Liquidation Team in implementation of deposit insurance claim payments worth paying

  4. Help monitor claims payment process and investigate the truth of the claim document guaranteeing payment by the paying bank

Data, Information and Reporting

  1. Collect data / documents of payment and reconciliation of data in order to prepare the implementation of the division of payment between the finance / accounting LPS with the paying bank

  2. Claims Handling Division collects data pertaining to decent pay deposits, savings is not worth paying and why, and a progress payment / disbursement of claims for the reporting and information

  3. Gather information relating to the handling of bank customers who claim their business licenses revoked for internal and external purposes

  4. Ensure documentation regulations, agreements, standard operating procedure, and literature associated with claims handling complete, accurate, current and complete (CONDUCT)


  1. Age max 30 years

  2. Min. S1 Economics, Banking, Finance, or Accounting

  3. Graduated from the State Universities, Private Universities that have been accredited for Higher Education and Foreign Affairs to be recognized by the Ministry of Education

  4. Minimum GPA 2.75 (scale 4.0)

  5. Minimum 2 years work experience in finance / accounting / banking operations

  6. Fluent in English (spoken and written)

  7. Details of the requirements of each area of ??work can be viewed at the website

  8. Registration is done online no later than August 2, 2011.

Junior Officer - Bank Resolution Analysis

(Jakarta Raya)


Collect data and information needed in analyzing banks under special supervision and banks failed to become the basis of decision making.

Troubled banks

* Assist in addressing the development of troubled banks, which include submission of proposals:

* Study and analyze the problem banks

* Calculation of lower cost banks failed that test did not affect systemic

* Analysis of bank failure resolution that does not affect systemic

* The calculation of the cost of handling failed banks with systemic impact

* Analysis of failed banks handling the systemic impact

* Gather information and banks troubled banks failed in a complete, accurate, current and complete (CONDUCT)

* Helped prepare the exchange of information with Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Institute of Banking Supervisors (LPP) in the framework of the settlement or handling of failed banks

* Making the concept of individual profiles of banks under special supervision

* Help the implementation IIndonesia coordination with the Bank and the Treasury Department in the resolution of failed banks and within the framework of Financial Sector Policy Committee (KKSK)

* Assist in monitoring the delivery process rights and the authority the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) who failed banks rescued

* Help evaluate the regulations related to the resolution analysis aids

* Helped conduct the study in order to develop analytical systems bank resolution

Failed Banks

Provides data and information needed in order to provide proposals for:

* Settlement bank failure is not systemic impact to the Director of Assurance and Risk Management

* Handling of failed banks systemic impact to the Board of Commissioners for discussion in the Coordinating Committee


* Age max 30 years

* Minimal S1 Economics, Banking, Finance or Accounting

* Minimum GPA 2.75 (scale 4.0)

* Minimum 2 years work experience in finance / accounting / operational / internal audit of banks / financial institutions / Public Accounting Firm

* Fluent in English (spoken and written)

* Details of the requirements of each area of ??work can be viewed at the website

* Registration is done online no later than August 2, 2011.

Officer - Treasury



Help manage the entire transaction investing LPS

Investment management

Helps coordinate and control the implementation of the investment operations that include, among others:

* Assisting the preparation of the concept formulation of policy formulation and procedure

* Helped drafting the proposed improvements in policies and procedures

* Help drafting a work plan and budget revenues / expenses

* Making the concept of the proposed placement of investments based on the prevailing investment policies

* Making the concept of the proposed disposal of investments based on the prevailing investment policies

* Helping penyelesaiaian (settlement) of the proposed placement and disposal of investments approved

* Assisting the preparation of concept implementation of the reports


* Age max 35 years

* Minimum Min. S1/D4 Accounting Economics / Management or S1 Mathematics / Physics / other exact sciences with the addition of S2 Economy

* Graduated from the State Universities, Private Universities that have been accredited for Higher Education and Foreign Affairs to be recognized by the Ministry of Education

* Minimum GPA 2.75 (scale 4.0)

* Minimum 3 years experience in treasury / finance (treasury) in Government organizations, divisions / units of investment banks, insurers, financial institutions or securities firms

* Preferred been experienced in the field of bonds (government bonds) and money market and have been accustomed to using bloomberg, BI-SSSS application and / or SAP

* Fluent in English (spoken and written)

* Details of the requirements of each area of ??work can be viewed at the website

* Registration is done online no later than August 2, 2011.

 Lamaran Kerja

Click here to apply online

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru 2011: Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan

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